COACH Developemnt

COACH Developemnt


An important responsibility for our program is to ensure that coaches involved with our programs are suitably trained with appropriate safeguarding measures also having been made. We have set the following criteria (above minimum requirements) for coaches within the various stages of our pathway.


OUSC Grassroots and Recreational Program  

Coaches must be NCCP Safe Sport Trained 

OUSC Development Program

Head Coaches must be NCCP Safe Sport Certified 

Assistants must be NCCP Safe Sport Trained 

OUSC Competitive Program

Head Coaches must be CSA C License Certified 

Assistants must be NCCP Safe Sport Certified 


Please see a table below that outlines a list of minimum NCCP Community Sport courses required at each stage of the OUSC pathway. Additional Canada Soccer evaluated coaching courses are required within our competitive program.


If you are interested at becoming an NCCP Trained and Certified Coach at our club, please contact Matt Lumsden at                                  

Click here for instructions on how to complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders               

Click here for Canada Soccer Coach Education courses.

Coaches for OUSC's Grassroots programs should complete the FUNdamentals course. For our coed rec league U9 to U12, complete the Learn To Train course and for U13 and older, complete the Soccer For Life course.